
By kattekrab, 4 October, 2022

As our machine learning, data engineering, and artificial intelligence systems evolve, adapt, and learn, so too must we!

The intersection of the twin revolutions of Agile and Open Source Software development methodologies is a fascinating place. These movements are changing the world, and they have more in common than sets them apart. However the differences are fascinating and fundamental, and we are only starting to respectfully learn from each other.

By kattekrab, 16 June, 2018

Imagine you work in a hardware store. You notice a customer puzzling over the vast array of electric drills.

She turns to you and says, I need a drill, but I don’t know which one to pick.

You ask “So, why do you want a drill?

“To make a hole.” she replies, somewhat exasperated. “Isn’t that obvious?”

“Sure,” you might say, “But why do you want to drill a hole? It might help us decide which drill you need!”

"Oh, okay," and she goes on to describe the need to thread cable from one room, to another.

By kattekrab, 27 January, 2018
I love free software, but sometimes, I feel, that free software does not love me.
Why is it so hard to use? Why is it still so buggy? Why do the things I can do simply with other tools, take so much effort? Why is the documentation so inscrutable?  Why have all the config settings been removed from the GUI? Why does this HowTo assume I can find a config file, and edit it with VI? Do I have to learn to use VI before I can stop my window manager getting in the way of the application I’m trying to use?
Tis a mystery.
By kattekrab, 5 September, 2014

A couple of days ago I found myself describing how to estimate the size of a story. It was coming out in my own words, without references. It felt... right.

One agile approach for "sizing" up a task is to use a relative scale to describe a mixture of effort, complexity and uncertainty.
