
By kattekrab, 23 July, 2023

VALA Tech Camp 2023 was held last week, and I was lucky enough to attend, and to speak on Day 2 in the Open Source stream.

The day started with an excellent workshop on digital search skills in the Data stream. I learnt some very nifty tricks, and played around with a brilliant set of tools I've never used before called Voyant Tools.

By kattekrab, 4 October, 2022

As our machine learning, data engineering, and artificial intelligence systems evolve, adapt, and learn, so too must we!

The intersection of the twin revolutions of Agile and Open Source Software development methodologies is a fascinating place. These movements are changing the world, and they have more in common than sets them apart. However the differences are fascinating and fundamental, and we are only starting to respectfully learn from each other.

By kattekrab, 7 April, 2021

John Findlay, RIP, thank you so much for teaching me such great etiquette for computer mediated communication.

Who knew it would become so mainstream? You knew!

I shared the Zing Technologies "Talk Type Read Review" meeting method on the Open Practice Library, and was then invited to talk about T2R2 on the Open Practice Podcast last year - and just found I can share that with you here too!