By kattekrab, 4 October, 2022

As our machine learning, data engineering, and artificial intelligence systems evolve, adapt, and learn, so too must we!

The intersection of the twin revolutions of Agile and Open Source Software development methodologies is a fascinating place. These movements are changing the world, and they have more in common than sets them apart. However the differences are fascinating and fundamental, and we are only starting to respectfully learn from each other.

By kattekrab, 31 August, 2021

I'm a huge fan of distributed, & open ways of working, but it is not without its challenges. Monitoring the vibe when facilitating a workshop via video conferencing is particularly tricky.
In person, we can easily read people's body language.  Those who are not speaking are still contributing their time, their attention and their energy. We can easily see if people have become bored, or are distracted.  Online it's hard to sense if lurkers are learning, listening, thinking, multi-tasking, or just completely tuned out.

By kattekrab, 15 March, 2021

Non disclosure agreements, closely held ownership, and elusive secrets to success are almost cliched hallmarks of the start up world of innovation and entrepreneurship. But it is the "in the open" accessible world of open source software that has driven the new reality we find ourselves living in.  Many people started working remotely last year due to the pandemic. Enabled by readily accessible technology, most people may not be aware how much of that tech is built upon foundations powered by open source software.