open source software

By kattekrab, 23 July, 2023

VALA Tech Camp 2023 was held last week, and I was lucky enough to attend, and to speak on Day 2 in the Open Source stream.

The day started with an excellent workshop on digital search skills in the Data stream. I learnt some very nifty tricks, and played around with a brilliant set of tools I've never used before called Voyant Tools.

By kattekrab, 27 September, 2009

I've been working with Dr Kathryn Moyle and Ian Ralph to put together a one day forum on Open Education. We've called it Open Edge 2009.  The program has been finalised, and I've just put together a one page flyer - to help with last minute promotion to get the word out.  Would love it if you could forward on to anyone in your networks you think would be interested!

Download Open Edge 2009 Program PDF

Check out the website: