open source

By kattekrab, 23 July, 2023

VALA Tech Camp 2023 was held last week, and I was lucky enough to attend, and to speak on Day 2 in the Open Source stream.

The day started with an excellent workshop on digital search skills in the Data stream. I learnt some very nifty tricks, and played around with a brilliant set of tools I've never used before called Voyant Tools.

By kattekrab, 15 March, 2021

Non disclosure agreements, closely held ownership, and elusive secrets to success are almost cliched hallmarks of the start up world of innovation and entrepreneurship. But it is the "in the open" accessible world of open source software that has driven the new reality we find ourselves living in.  Many people started working remotely last year due to the pandemic. Enabled by readily accessible technology, most people may not be aware how much of that tech is built upon foundations powered by open source software.

By kattekrab, 8 June, 2011

Spread the word about the Ada Initiative Seed 100 campaignThe first Ada Initiative fundraising campaign is underway. For the month of June, Mary Gardiner and Valerie Aurora are focusing their efforts on seeding their operational fund by inviting 100 people to sign up as foundational donors - the seed 100. 

By contributing $512, the donor will be listed as a difference engineer, or by donating $1024 the donor will be listed as an analytical engineer. The FAQ explains:

Q. Why “Difference Engineer” and “Analytical Engineer?”

A. The pioneering inventor Charles Babbage designed two calculating machines beginning in the 1820’s, the Difference Engine and the Analytical Engine.

The Difference Engine was essentially a very large mechanical calculator – capable of generating tables of numbers but not programmable and not a general-purpose computer.

The Analytical Engine was the world’s first design for a general-purpose, Turing-complete computer. Countess Ada Lovelace, the Ada Initiative’s namesake, wrote the world’s first computer program for the (as yet unbuilt) Analytical Engine in 1843.

“Difference Engineer” and “Analytical Engineer” are imaginary titles for the people who would have programmed and run Babbage’s engines if they had been built in his time.

Women are under represented, and under acknowledged in Open Source.  The Ada Initiative is working to take practical action to change this.

Please help spread the word and if you can, please donate.

By kattekrab, 9 January, 2010

I'm going to - Wellington 18-23 January 2010

Goodness me, it really is only a week away now. The best linux and free and open source conference I've ever ever been to. This year is in Wellington, New Zealand at was fabulous, LCA2008 was brilliant, LCA2007 was awesome and LCA2006 was inspiring. I expect LCA2010 to be better than all of them. Combined.

No Pressure Guys ;)

The Welly10 team, slaving and sleep-deprived, have been putting the finishing touches on a well-executed plan. I truly fear they are putting all of us who went before them to shame.

Here's what I'm looking at doing in Wellington next week.