
By kattekrab, 9 January, 2010

I'm going to - Wellington 18-23 January 2010

Goodness me, it really is only a week away now. The best linux and free and open source conference I've ever ever been to. This year is in Wellington, New Zealand at was fabulous, LCA2008 was brilliant, LCA2007 was awesome and LCA2006 was inspiring. I expect LCA2010 to be better than all of them. Combined.

No Pressure Guys ;)

The Welly10 team, slaving and sleep-deprived, have been putting the finishing touches on a well-executed plan. I truly fear they are putting all of us who went before them to shame.

Here's what I'm looking at doing in Wellington next week.

By kattekrab, 15 July, 2009

I've been crazy busy of late, and seem to be suffering the same fate as others in that I'm using micro-blogs for the quick updates and burning need to express those 'top-of-mind' thoughts, rather than posting here to - Ah well.

Not that you care. I don't imagine these rare postings of mine are missed much by anyone! :)

So what have I been up to? Conferences. Again.  Ya'd think I would have learnt to keep away from these unmitigated stress-fests by now. Oh no. Not me. Never learn, Can't be told.