By kattekrab, 17 October, 2015

I'm running a workshop at the Open Source Developers Conference in Hobart soon. It made me realise it's been far too long since I wrote about inkscape, or did a screencast. But I use this amazing tool all the time.

OSDC didn't seem to have any speaker badges, so I copied the image from their twitter account, and added words in Inkscape. It's so easy - I'll do it now, and do a quick screencast while I'm at it!

OSDC is a really fun conference - I'm looking forward to sharing some Inkscape joy!

You might want to check it out.

By kattekrab, 10 September, 2015

Communication can be surprisingly hard.

Human beings talk a lot. Well many humans do. Some less so, Some more so, but I reckon, in general, there's a lot of daily jibber jabber.

Some of that talking is light hearted "Small Talk". Some of it is world changing speeches. Some of it is the daily to and fro we need to get stuff done; at work, at play, at home.

By kattekrab, 27 August, 2015

The Drupal 8 Accelerate campaign has raised over two hundred and thirty thousand dollars ($233,519!!).  That's a lot of money! But our goal was to raise US$250,000 and we're running out of time. I've personally helped raise $12,500 and I'm aiming to raise 8% of the whole amount, which equals $20,000. I've got less than $7500 now to raise. Can you help me? Please chip in.

By kattekrab, 10 July, 2015

I often find myself describing the digital domain to people who don't live and breathe it like I do. It's an intangible thing, and many of the concepts are coded in jargon. It doesn't help that every technology tool set uses it's own specific language, sometimes using the same words for very different things, or different words for the same things. What's a page? A widget? A layout? A template? A module, plugin or extension? It varies. The answer "depends".

Analogies can be a helpful communication tool to get the message across, and get everyone thinking in parallel.

By kattekrab, 5 July, 2015

I've given a "Constructive Conflict Resolution" talk twice now. First at DrupalCon Amsterdam, and again at DrupalCon Los Angeles. It's something I've been thinking about since joining the Drupal community working group a couple of years ago. I'm giving the talk again at OSCON in a couple of weeks. But this time, it will be different. Very different. Here's why.

By kattekrab, 2 July, 2015

I wrote this as a comment in response to Dries' post about the Acquia certification program - I thought I'd share it here too. I've commented there before.

I've also been conflicted about certifications. I still am. And this is because I fully appreciate the pros and cons. The more I've followed the issue, the more conflicted I've become about it.

My current stand, is this. Certifications are a necessary evil. Let me say a little on why that is.