By kattekrab, 13 July, 2010

Currently sitting in the drupalmel meetup - Drupal Users of Melbourne gather to share thoughts, discoveries and challenges. It's good fun. The new digs at publicity works are very spacious, so if you've been wondering where to find fellow Drupal folk in Melbourne, consider adding the 2nd Tuesday of the month to your calendar.

We're working on a website at
and we next meet this Saturday for a code sprint

By kattekrab, 20 June, 2010

Blue plastic horn called a Vuvuzela - the sound of the 2010 world cupWorld cup fever has taken over - and airwaves across the international media are buzzing with the sound of the Vuvuzelas. I went to openclipart to see if I could get a picture of one, and found there were none. So I created these. Enjoy!

By kattekrab, 24 March, 2010

I already posted about Jude Milhon for Ada Lovelace Day...

But I also want to tip my cap to the following ubergeekchix... all making a difference in their own ways. I admire them all.

By kattekrab, 24 March, 2010

Ada Lovelace Day was started last year in 2009 by Suw Charman. It's about celebrating, recording and uncovering the achievements, discoveries and special qualities of women in technology and science.

We are not Unicorns. We are everywhere. But our history is easily submerged, discounted and dismissed. Too easily forgotten.

Thanks Suw - this is an awe inspiring initiative. I salute you.

For Ada Lovelace Day 2010 I salute Jude Milhon.

By kattekrab, 23 February, 2010

I went for a swim today! And yesterday too - And I've been walking daily for over a week. It feels good. It's been too long.

I've also cut out sugar in my coffee.

I've become obese in recent years and it just feels awful. It's never been about body image for me. Thank goodness! I've seen the heartbreaking consequences of that kind of thinking. But I do really enjoy having energy, and I've been lacking that for a long time now. I put it down to spending too much energy just carrying too much bulk.

By kattekrab, 9 January, 2010

I'm going to - Wellington 18-23 January 2010

Goodness me, it really is only a week away now. The best linux and free and open source conference I've ever ever been to. This year is in Wellington, New Zealand at was fabulous, LCA2008 was brilliant, LCA2007 was awesome and LCA2006 was inspiring. I expect LCA2010 to be better than all of them. Combined.

No Pressure Guys ;)

The Welly10 team, slaving and sleep-deprived, have been putting the finishing touches on a well-executed plan. I truly fear they are putting all of us who went before them to shame.

Here's what I'm looking at doing in Wellington next week.

By kattekrab, 21 December, 2009

Polenta Soffins

Scone Muffins = Scoffins

I had an idea of trying to make scones with polenta (course corn meal) using a cream scone recipe.  The dough ended up being a bit too gloopy, probably because the polenta is not as absorbent as flour, and so I spooned the mixture into a muffin tray to bake them, instead of rolling and cutting as you normally would with scones.  I was quite surprised how well they turned out, although I do believe they needed another 5-10 mins baking - so I've added that extra time below. You may need to vary this a little depending on your oven.

1 cup polenta
1 cup self raising flour
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
200 mls pure cream (avoid thickened cream, as it usually contains gelatine or vegetable thickeners)
up to 1 cup of milk

Pre-heat oven to 200c

Grease a 6 cup muffin tin, and line with a little extra corn meal

Sift the flour, then mix all the dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Pour in the cream and stir through quickly, then pour in a little of the milk at a time until you reach a gooey doughy  consistency. But don't stir it too much, you're aiming to just combine all the ingredients, not create a smooth dough. Spoon the mixture into the muffin moulds, and bake for 20-25 mins, until a test skewer comes out clean, and the tops are burnished golden.

Eat them with chutney and creamy cheeses, or sliced meats. Chutney and brie works surprisingly well as a replacement for the jam and cream you might usually have with a scone.
