
By kattekrab, 20 August, 2010

"It is the people who figure out how to work simply in the present, rather than the people who mastered the complexities of the past, who get to say what happens in the future."

Clay Shirky

This morning Twitter suggested I follow Clay Shirky. And I did. And I read his blog post on the collapse of complex business models, which ends with that quote.

By kattekrab, 20 October, 2009

I got bills to pay. Why am I procrastinating so badly when I have a pile of billable hours ahead of me that would neatly deal with the pile of bills sitting on the other side of the desk? Not to mention the business admin that needs to be done to make the cash flow.

It doesn't feel like procrastinating, but it is. Today I've been sucked into reading and microblogging about issues I care about...  Topics du Jour...