By kattekrab, 29 January, 2012

Playing about with Storify for the first time as a way of shaping the post event report for Drupal Downunder. It claims to have an export to Drupal site feature (or tumblr, or wordpress, or posterous or mailchimp) but I couldn't get that to work. Instead - I've used the embed code. On balance, I'd say Storify is a pretty nifty web app.

This post is very long, mostly cos it has lots of pix, embedded vids of each of the the keynotes and is interspersed with tweets and other snippets about the conference. Hopefully, it gives a taste of the event and the fun that was had.

By kattekrab, 18 December, 2011

Support women in open tech and culture - Donate to The Ada Initiative

"Women hold up half the sky"

But they aren't involved in half of the decision making that matters. There are not enough women in power. By that I mean women in politics and critically today, not enough women in technology.

By kattekrab, 8 December, 2011

Graph showing role of DDU2011 attendees

A couple of people have asked about the kinds of people likely to go to Drupal Downunder.

So we dug into the stats from DDU2011 and discovered that 71% of people registered on the site identified themselves as Developers.

We've very actively tried to expand the appeal of Drupal Downunder to attract the broader Drupal community too.

By kattekrab, 5 November, 2011

I've finally upgraded my blog to Drupal7


By kattekrab, 27 October, 2011

This gorgeous photo of The Queen in Melbourne on the Royal Tram made me smile this morning.

I've long been a proponent of an Australian Republic - but the populist hysteria of politicians, this photo, and the Kingdom of the Netherlands is actually making me rethink that position.

At least for today.  Long may she reign over us.

By kattekrab, 2 October, 2011

THE law does treat race differently: it is not unlawful to publish an article that insults, offends, humiliates or intimidates old people, for instance, or women, or disabled people. Professor Joseph, director of the Castan Centre for Human Rights Law at Monash University, said in principle ''humiliate and intimidate'' could be extended to other anti-discrimination laws. But historically, racial and religious discrimination is treated more seriously because of the perceived potential for greater public order problems and violence.

By kattekrab, 20 September, 2011

The Qantas Pilot Safety culture is something worth fighting to protect. I read Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers whilst on board a Qantas flight recently. While Qantas itself isn't mentioned in the book, a footnote listed Australia as having the 2nd lowest Pilot Power-Distance Index (PDI) in the world. New Zealand had the lowest.