By kattekrab, 16 July, 2008

I finally got around to bloging about and uploading my inkscape talk slides to my biz site Creative Contingencies -

Also included the refs at the end of the talk - so it's a handy ref I can point people to - also went to the trouble of teasing out the various download links seeing as inkscape is truly cross platform and available for windows, mac and a bunch of different linux distros.


By kattekrab, 5 June, 2008

Strange. Earth. Life.

... the sky outside was grey. brown dried plane tree leaves hang in the branches. nice contrast. look again - the grey is bluer now. fog lifts. grey lifts to blue. and sun breaks through.

awakening - pooh bear - tao of pooh, ekhart tolle, power of now, a new earth, jung, deep-ecology - striving for perfection, finding there is none. the flaw gives context to beauty. Stop. notice. breathe. notice. smile.

By kattekrab, 24 May, 2008

I'm sitting in  Roland's session  on  Web 2.o bling at the  2008 conference for ICT in 
Education Victoria (ICTEV),  Like VITTA this teacher association is focussed on supporting teachers use of Info and Comms tech in schools for learning and teaching.

A week or so ago I put out a call to some of the owners of the LCA XOs to ask if I could borrow their machines to show to teachers at the conference. 

Huge thanks to all of you who came through and agreed to help out.  

By kattekrab, 19 April, 2008

Climate Change, Energy Crisis, Food Crisis.

Forced to stop watching the 2020 summit proceedings because of particularly bad TV reception (north and west melbourne, known bug) and equipment failure - I went back to the more interactive machine of the web - and decided to blog instead.

In the lead up of the 2020 summit I've put most of my energy into the open tech side of things, open source software, open knowledge - but I'm just as deeply passionate about the issues of climate change, and indigenous realities.

By kattekrab, 13 April, 2008

ART: Paint or blood? spattered on tiles

More inkscapings. Tiled clones. Scanned hand - traced bitmap. Splodges courtesy of the split splat splodge font 

By kattekrab, 5 April, 2008

Hmm nothing but twitterings here for days. That's not ideal.

I've got a  todo list scrawled on my notepad...

  - website
  - meeting promotion
  - benefits of membership proposition

 - 2020 Summit Submissions

 - LCA report and HowTO

 - biz admin - invoicing and BAS statement

 - Article on latest inkscape - submit to submit to the open source report.

By kattekrab, 18 March, 2008

was ace.

You should go.

By kattekrab, 16 March, 2008

Aaah Cool.

Cafuego - Thank you for helping me get the module working so it pulls the random links I store into my blog.  It's pulled up the last 10 - or a random selection - or something (ok I haven't figured that bit out yet) - and the last one was memories for life.

Representing Memory: A USB key elephant? So I visited it again. It's really kinda fascinating. It led me to a paper published in the Journal of The Royal Society Interface in 2006 called "Memories for life: a review of the science and technology" and is also available as PDF.