By kattekrab, 3 November, 2007

Tangram Tux - Official logo of 2008Open Day

Saturday 2 February is Open Day at Hoping to build on the magnificent success of Open Day at 2007 we will set up tables for FLOSS projects, community groups and our sponsors to use to spread the word about their good works.

By kattekrab, 14 October, 2007
Linux Magazine - November 2007whooohoooooo.

  Linux Magazine approached us to be a media partner, and I've been preparing a press-ready PDF to go into the next edition as an advertisement...  I went off to buy a copy of the magazine, as research, to see how it looks - and saw we had this nice little write up! 

By kattekrab, 25 June, 2007

Software Freedom Day in Melbourne for 2007We had our 2nd SFD meeting for the year tonight - and I'm all fired up for a great event. We've got the town hall again, which is great news, because such a central, high profile venue is a great way to bring focus to software freedom.

I've redone the poster from last year...

By kattekrab, 9 June, 2007

... wow ...

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