Open Day & Fairy Penguins at 2008

By kattekrab, 3 November, 2007

Tangram Tux - Official logo of 2008Open Day

Saturday 2 February is Open Day at Hoping to build on the magnificent success of Open Day at 2007 we will set up tables for FLOSS projects, community groups and our sponsors to use to spread the word about their good works. Email openday  [a t] if you're interested in taking part!

Fairy penguin sponsorship

We have introduced a 'Sponsor' level registration category. The Fairy Penguin sponsorship is designed for those who wish to attend the conference as a Professional delegate AND make a supporting contribution to the conference. In recognition of this support Fairy penguin sponsors get their logo and a link on our sponsors page, a note in the conference booklet, and a table at Open Day. Simply register online as a Fairy Penguin, or email sponsors [a t] for more information.
in MEL8OURNE2008