
By kattekrab, 9 December, 2009

DrupalSouth logo: The DrupliKiwiFruit

This blog... runs Drupal. So does my biz blog at cc.com.au/donna - and we've been running Drupal sites for our clients for some time now.  But when Simon, Caitlin and Lisa from emspace came along to an OSIA meeting, Peter and I actually really engaged with the Drupal community for the first time.  We've now been to a few Melbourne meet-ups, went to the Melbourne DrupalCamp in May this year, and are not only both planning on attending and speaking at DrupalSouth - we decided to sponsor it.  So - straight after the fabulous wondrous geek-a-ganza that is linux.conf.au - I'll be diving deep into the Drupal goodness of DrupalSouth.

We are now, afterall, actively working with Drupal. Peter has even written modules and submitted patches to core, and I am starting to get my head around doing custom themes. I also hope to get involved in the Documentation and Training effort when I gather together the spare hours I need to get my head around where to start!

In the meantime, I'm giving event management / co-ordination love to helping get the word out about DrupalSouth.  Below is the press release.  If you too are a DrupalFanatic we'd love your help in getting the word out too. Blog, Tweet, Write about #DrupalSouth. 


DrupalSouth Wellington 2010 is New Zealand's Drupal event.

DrupalSouth promises to be NZ's largest ever gathering of Drupal developers, designers, contributers and business folk. DrupalSouth Wellington will be on Saturday and Sunday 23-24 January — just after linux.conf.au Wellington 2010.

DrupalSouth features some great speakers and attendees from NZ and abroad, including

  • Angela Byron (webchick); Drupal 7 core committer, Drupal community nurturer, and co-author of Using Drupal
  • Emma Jane Hogbin (emmajane); co-author of Front End Drupal, uber-documenter, Drupal evangelist/speaker and community all-rounder
  • Liz Henry (lizhenry), BlogHer.com developer — the largest community for women bloggers, built on Drupal since 2006 

Registration costs just $67.50 NZD including GST ($60 for non-NZ businesses) and includes lunch, coffee and tea on both days – not to mention access to a great line up of speakers and sessions on awesome topics. The full schedule is coming soon!

Such a great price for such a high-quality event has only been possible thanks to our generous sponsors, including;

  • Xplain Technology Hosting; Web hosting optimized for Drupal
  • Sparks Interactive; Straight talking, successful work, simple equation.
  • .nz; .nz is our home
  • Em Space; Em Space is a web agency in Melbourne, Australia. We build Drupal websites for enterprise, government and not-for-profit
  • Catalyst IT; Specialists in Open Source Technologies
  • Egressive; Building superior computing solutions powered by Linux and Drupal
  • Open Query; Exceptional Services for MySQL and MariaDB at a Fixed Budget
  • Fuzion; connect : campaign : communicate.
  • Creative Contingences: When plan A fails, plan CC

DrupalSouth Wellington will be at the upstairs function room at Mac's Brewery Bar & Restaurant, on Wellington City's waterfront, and just a few hundred metres from linux.conf.au at the Wellington Convention Centre.

Thanks to chronological proximity to linux.conf.au we have 3 fabulous headline speakers - who all happen to be women too! Which from my perspective at least is a very nice bonus indeed, so if you're heading to LCA2010 and Love Drupal, you really really want to stay for this too...

Is the first International DrupalCamp in Oceania?