By kattekrab, 25 April, 2015

It's ANZAC day.

It's the 100 year anniversary of a particularly bad battle in Turkey, that has somehow come to represent the apex of Australian and NewZealand glorification of war. Sure, we say it's not glorifying war - but seriously how is this wall to wall coverage not glorification? The coverage in all media over the past week has numbed my senses. Not made me reflect on sacrifice.

All our focus on this one stupid battle? I'd like to put some focus on those efforts to stop the slaughter.

Gallipolli was ultimately a battle lost for the ANZACs.

By kattekrab, 10 February, 2015

The number of critical issues holding up the release of Drupal 8 is now in the 50s. When will it be released? When it's ready. In the meantime there are some great opportunities around to start to get up to speed on what Drupal 8 is all about. Not least of which are 7 sessions at DrupalSouth in Melbourne next month.

Check them out:

First up, our keynote by Angela "webchick" Byron: Drupal 8: What you need to know

By kattekrab, 5 September, 2014

A couple of days ago I found myself describing how to estimate the size of a story. It was coming out in my own words, without references. It felt... right.

One agile approach for "sizing" up a task is to use a relative scale to describe a mixture of effort, complexity and uncertainty.
