Vale Marcus de Rijk

By kattekrab, 27 June, 2020

Farewell friend.

Marcus & Claire

I can't quite recall the last time we met. Was it at the Auction Rooms in North Melbourne, just before you joined RMIT? No - it was after that, you were at RMIT and we were talking about some Drupal sites you'd inherited. Or perhaps we just spoke on the phone? I wish I could remember that moment, now that you are gone.

Now that you are gone, I grieve not seeing you more often.  Hearing more of your exceptional deeds at your memorial mass yesterday was wonderful. It was a perfect celebration of who you were.  

My memory is bad.  I'm finding fragments.

  • Sinterklaas celebrations with your family.
  • Giving you my unused clarinet so that it may once again make music.
  • Glimpses of times at La Trobe.  Scorpio parties. Meeting Claire.
  • Quietly, with some amusement, watching Daggy play video games.

Whilst I can't quite see those moments in full colour, I remember well who you were, and who you'll always be in our hearts.  A wise and gentle, good humoured soul, who left everything and everyone a little better than he found them. You gave us all so much, and even in dying you gave life to others by gifting your organs.

I ache with my own grief, but it is unimaginably multiplied beyond measure by the loss being felt by his friend Darren and his wife Claire, and his soon to be born pipsqueak.  All my love to all of you.

These words seem so inadequate, so here are more from others:



My words from the tribute wall

Marcus - You are a bright beacon of humanity, and you will be forever remembered by all who knew you.

My very deepest condolences to Claire, Gerard and Darren, my heart breaks for you.

Thank you for streaming the service so that we could share this farewell. I find solace in many rich memories of Marcus, and hope the best of your memories will bring you smiles long beyond the tears you shed today.

Love. Peace.

My tweet

I ache with grief.

Regret. Loss. Sadness.

Flashes of bright recollection and a smile.

Return to the dark pre dawn dull reality of a life extinguished.

Buoyed by the lives extended by organ donation.

Mystified by the senseless accidental tragedy.

Tears and tears and tissues.