By kattekrab, 18 March, 2008

was ace.

You should go.

By kattekrab, 16 March, 2008

Aaah Cool.

Cafuego - Thank you for helping me get the module working so it pulls the random links I store into my blog.  It's pulled up the last 10 - or a random selection - or something (ok I haven't figured that bit out yet) - and the last one was memories for life.

Representing Memory: A USB key elephant? So I visited it again. It's really kinda fascinating. It led me to a paper published in the Journal of The Royal Society Interface in 2006 called "Memories for life: a review of the science and technology" and is also available as PDF.

By kattekrab, 15 March, 2008
Hmmm - now I've made a poster... perhaps I should organise a picnic - celebrate the equinox - I could call it the bad friday picnic. For heathens, pagans and non-believers. 
By kattekrab, 13 February, 2008
Sorry. For the indignity and degradation thus inflicted on a proud people and a proud culture, we say sorry.

This morning in the 42nd Parliament the Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, delivered an apology to the Stolen Generations. Yesterday, for the first time, a Welcome to Country ceremony was performed at Parliament House.  It was broadcast live, and watched by thousands, perhaps millions of people across the nation.

By kattekrab, 7 February, 2008

I'm supposed to be writing a report on the VITTA conference. It was in November. I have hand written stream of consciousness notes, and a hacked up paraphrased prior report... and a bunch of stats - and am way past my deadline.