Libre Graphics Day - miniconf@lca2010

By kattekrab, 6 September, 2009

Spent a chunk of time today getting the LibreGraphicsDay miniconf call for participation ship shape.  It will take place on the 18th or 19th of January in Wellington, during the traditional feast of appetisers, the community organised streams known as miniconfs.

We've set up a Drupal site and added a module we've been working on at Creative Contingencies. The ccc (creative contingencies conferences) proposal module has already been deployed on acec2010, open-edge, luv4sfd, and the data storage & retrieval miniconf and now also the libre graphics miniconf for LCA2010

Anyway, I digress, the reason for this post is to announce that the call for participation is open for Libre Graphics Day!

LGD is a mini version of the fabulous Libre Graphics Meeting which is entering it's 5th year. I've never managed to go to LGM because it's always up there somewhere in North America or Europe - which is slightly out of reach for us down here on the other side of the world.  So - LGD was dreamed up as a way to get a bit of the LibreGraphics love happening down under, at the world's best linux conference.

It should be a good opportunity for Libre Graphics users and developers to collaborate with other Free Software hackers on those bits we depend on to make all the good stuff happen.  Please check out our CFP -


Blender Blender   OpenClipArt OpenClipArt
Create Create    Open Font Library OpenFontLibrary
 DigiKam DigiKam    Oyranos Oyranos
Fontmatrix Fontmatrix   Phatch Phatch
  GEGL   Rawstudio RawStudio
Gimp GIMP   Scribus Scribus
Hugin Hugin   Sk1 Sk1
Inkscape Inkscape    SwatchBooker SwatchBooker
Krita Krita   Tango


Did we miss anyone? :)