Inkscape: Change default document properties

By kattekrab, 13 August, 2008

Some time ago some lovely person on the inkscape channel suggested the following fix to my desire to have inkscape default to landscape, full screen when I create a new document. It's become such second nature to me now I don't even think about.

But as I passed this tip on to someone today - it occurred to me it might be worth a wee blog post. Hope someone else out there finds this useful :)

Note: Make a copy of default.svg before embarking on this jiggery pokery - in case reverting to factory settings is required.

So - Find Inkscape's default.svg template... for me this is here:

 me@mycomputer: /usr/share/inkscape/templates/

I then need to run Inkscape with the sudo command - no idea how that works for other systems - sorry! ;)

  me@mycomputer: sudo inkscape default.svg

Voila! Inkscape opens.

Maximise the window. Inkscape defaults to a tiny window - [which is a good thing. Defaulting to a large window on a tiny screen would be tres annointment. (very annoying) - although I do wonder if it could somehow ask the system what the screen size is and draw accordingly... but is probably easier to just let the user tweak as needed]

Then Open Document Properties (Shift-Control-D) or find it under the File Menu. Change Page Orientation to Landscape and whatever else you like - perhaps the Grids or Snap Points need tweaking?

Once done, close the Document Properties dialog.

Hit 5 to Zoom Page to fit window.
(or View->Zoom->Page, or just clickon the tool bar.)

Tweak anything else ... then Save and Quit Inkscape.  Next time the program opens, it should default to the settings as configured.

Update: The same approach works if you want to turn off the page border.