By kattekrab, 17 October, 2008

following some new people on twitter now... which prompted me to pop in here and do an update - which I've not done for a while...

As I've mentioned before - I have 3 blogs. I'm not too sure why - they do each have a slightly different focus.  This one, at has always been the most random, the most uncompromising.  The one least likely to make sense to anyone but me.

By kattekrab, 28 September, 2008

Travelling halfway around the world to speak at a conference - always a great opportunity to learn something new.

Dr Thornburg talked about a microbial fuel cell - that uses manure and salt water to generate electricity. Nice.

Imagine combining this with the OLPC... or other low watt computing devices... such as mobile internet gadgets and smart phones...


Poo Powered Computing - The PooPuter!  :)


By kattekrab, 26 August, 2008

Roland forwarded info on a free lecture taking place in Melbourne on 17 Sept by Charles Leadbetter. Con replied with a transcript from this guy speaking in 2006...

The Direct quote is

By kattekrab, 12 August, 2008
2am Typography. Worse than midnight.
By kattekrab, 9 August, 2008

Well - I submitted an abstract to the call for participation to do a tutorial on Inkscape.  And I encouraged one of the lead inkscape developers, Jon Cruz, to also make a submission. He tells me he did! Which is very W00t!

But also reduces the chances of having my own tutorial accepted.

By kattekrab, 7 August, 2008

I have 3 blogs.


That is all.